Hamiltonian-based quantum computation is a class of quantum algorithms in which the problem is encoded in a Hamiltonian and the evolution is performed by a continuous transformation of the Hamiltonian. Universal adiabatic quantum computing, quantum simulation, and quantum annealing are examples of such algorithms. Up to now, all implementations of this approach have been limited to qubits coupled via a single degree of freedom. This gives rise to a stoquastic Hamiltonian that has no sign problem in quantum Monte Carlo simulations. In this paper, we report implementation and measurements of two superconducting flux qubits coupled via two canonically conjugate degrees of freedom—charge and flux—to achieve a nonstoquastic Hamiltonian. We perform microwave spectroscopy to extract circuit parameters and show that the charge coupling manifests itself as a σyσy interaction in the computational basis. We observe destructive interference in quantum coherent oscillations between the computational-basis states of the two-qubit system. Finally, we show that the extracted Hamiltonian is nonstoquastic over a wide range of parameters.
Demonstration of a Nonstoquastic Hamiltonian in Coupled Superconducting Flux Qubits