Cargo Loading

Cargo loading is a complex optimization challenge for any organization facing the task of transporting large quantities of goods across long distances by air, sea, rail, and road. Shippers and handlers need to consider the dimension of items and the size of the containers, ensuring that the total volume of items in each container does not exceed its capacity while minimizing the number of containers to be shipped. Additionally, multiple ways to store each item, and various constraints apply; for example, items cannot overlap, and fragile items must be stacked on top.

D-Wave helps logistics companies solve the 3D puzzle of optimal cargo loading and many other complex optimization problems through hybrid computing solutions that use the best of classical and quantum computing technologies.

Use Case Logistics 1

Quantum Optimization for Cargo Loading

An effective quantum optimization solution for cargo loading needs to solve for the placement of each package, efficiently using the available container and bin space while addressing these complexities, keeping in mind that the time required to find an optimal solution increases exponentially with the number of packages.

Use Case Logistics 2

Quantum At the Port of Los Angeles

At the Port of Los Angeles’s bustling Pier 300, logistics operations are both large-scale and intricate, encompassing everything from space utilization to the efficient packing and distribution of cargo. SavantX's Hyper-Optimized Nodal Efficiency Engine (HONE) harnessed D-Wave’s quantum computing solutions to enhance core aspects of port operations, achieving a 60% boost in crane deliveries per day and minimized average crane travel distances.

Use Case Business

Quantum Optimization: The Key to Operational Excellence for Today's Business

In an era of mounting complexities and often-unforeseen disruptions, quantum technology can help transcend traditional computing’s limitations to enhance operational efficiencies and strengthen businesses’ resilience.

“Not all problems are optimization problems, but for the ones that are, there’s a huge opportunity to bring value into the equation...We’ve tasted the power of quantum, and we’re very, very excited about it.”


— Ed Heinbockel, CEO, SavantX

Get Started Now


With our hands-on team of experts, it’s easier than ever to start experiencing the benefits of quantum optimization now with our Launch™ program. Our team is committed to guiding you through a successful journey. We’ll validate your use case, offer an optimized and thoroughly tested solution, and provide support every step of the way to ensure a smooth path to production deployment.

Sign up for a consultation today.