Quantum Optimization Use Case

Workforce Scheduling

In organizations managing a vast and diverse workforce  with round-the-clock operations, scheduling shifts can present significant challenges. Manual scheduling methods often lead to inefficiencies and errors—all of which can adversely affect operational efficiency, employee morale, and customer service quality.

Quantum-powered workforce optimization excels at minimizing downtime and maximizing staff utilization by effectively managing numerous variables and constraints, from shift-preferences and changing regulations to sick leave. With enhanced scheduling accuracy, quantum optimization can reduce the risk of costly errors and disruptions, leading to smoother operations and considerable time and cost savings.


Quantum for Workforce Scheduling

Organizations need more flexible and precise workforce management solutions to optimize resource allocation, ensuring the right staff are in place at the right time, thereby minimizing costs and elevating productivity.


Groceries (1)

Optimizing and Automating Delivery Driver Scheduling

The Pattison Food Group (PFG) is leveraging the processing power of D-Wave’s quantum computing solutions to efficiently and reliably generate schedules for its delivery drivers for its e-commerce business. 

Use Case Business

Quantum Optimization: The Key to Operational Excellence for Today's Business

In an era of mounting complexities and often-unforeseen disruptions, quantum technology can help transcend traditional computing’s limitations to enhance operational efficiencies and strengthen businesses’ resilience.

"The auto-scheduler is saving both time and effort, trimming what was once an 80-hour task to just 15 hours each week, an 80% time savings.”


—Benny Wai, Manager of Analytics DevelopmentPattison Food Group

Get Started Now


With our hands-on team of experts, it’s easier than ever to start experiencing the benefits of quantum optimization now with our Launch™ program. Our team is committed to guiding you through a successful journey. We’ll validate your use case, offer an optimized and thoroughly tested solution, and provide support every step of the way to ensure a smooth path to production deployment.

Sign up for a consultation today.